PAX-it and PAXcam New Features

General note regarding new versions:

PAX-it!2 is not a static product but is continually being upgraded to account for new technologies, new features, fixes, and improved user experience. We are constantly listening to our customers and markets so that we can add the latest tools to help accomplish your imaging goals, and we take pride in our efforts to make new versions backwards compatible so that wholesale changes in workflow or methods are avoided for our users.

Even so, new technologies may mean that certain Windows versions, hardware, or drivers will eventually be unsupported in favor of newer ones.  MIS recommends that users stay current in their Windows versions as well as their PAX-it2 software versions, to take advantage of the latest new features and to avoid discontinued or unsupported technologies.

Click below for a listing of features added in PAX-it!2 releases

PAX-it! 2

PAX-it! 2 v2.0.3

PAXcam Features

Add Caliper Crosshair to PAXcam Live PreviewNew setting allows the crosshairs on the PAXcam live preview to display as a box.   Sides are moveable, and mirrored from the centerpoint of the preview window

PAX-it Features

Notepad can be opened and edited during a QuickSave


The behavior of the docking notepad has been extended to allow easier display and editing within other PAX-it routines

Measurement & Image Analysis Features

Duplicate a Line or Arc within a Measurement SequenceAllows a preset duplicate Line or Arc to be auto-produced as part of a Measurement Sequence, for offset designations or dimensions.
Network calibrations for PAXcam Live MeasurementBypasses the need to copy calibrations between the Network Drive and the Hard Drive, for a more efficient process.
‘Prompt for Name’ dialog with added option User may cancel from within the ‘enter a line name’ dialog, if ending the process prematurely.
Enhanced Measurement Sequence efficiencyBehind-the-scenes changes to streamline the steps required to step through a Measurement Sequence routine.
Improved efficiency to building specific reportsIn the one image per sheet condition, a new option exists to only evaluate the tags for the image # that matches the sheet #.   This streamlines the report building process for multi-sheet reports.
Adjustment of the porosity ‘Tissue Layer’ designationTop and bottom limits of the Tissue Interface layer are user adjustable, rather than locked in to the standard 90/10 range.  Perfect for research applications and special materials!

Extended Security Features

Improved efficiency when exporting high quantities of

Digitally Signed images

Images with ‘strip stamp’ condition provoked a memory leak which was fixed, to avoid slowdowns with this special execution

Remove “Max Dimension” messages when drawing

Rectangular ROI in Detect Areas

Max dimensions are assumed when dragging rectangular ROI beyond an edge of the image

Other Module Features

Changes to ES Preferences are logged (ES Module)Allows a detailed check of any changes to Extended Security configuration settings, including the change, who administered it, and when
Stored image analysis routines may not be edited (ES)The ability to change a stored, named analysis is removed, as an extra security layer for ES users
Further refinement of permissions for exporting files (ES)Hotlink and Export permissions have been extended, to lock out file transfer more effectively

Allow SQL users to change password within the PAX-it

application (ES)

New SQL login passwords in PAX-it will update on the SQL side as well, for a streamlined workfow
Long computer names are more easily readable (ES)New UI for viewing computer info is on the Password List screen, with increased space for information display

Stage calibrations are now stored per login drive

(Stage Module)

Allows multiple users accessing a network collection to more easily share stage movement calibrations
PAX-it! 2 v2.0.2

 PAXcam Features


QuickSave definition can include additional

processing options

“Invert Colors” and “Shift Colors” are now options for Processing images upon QuickSave, extending workflow flexibility even further


Improved handling of non-ES Log reportsLog reports take advantage of new MS-Windows structure for handling

Measurement and Image Analysis


Improved Segmented Lines reportingMulti-image reports may now be generated with Segmented Lines data
Improved messaging for Calibration changesYields better understanding of options for handling changes to calibrations

ES Module Features


‘Send To’ and ‘Capture’ to external applications

can be blocked

Capture from PAXcam to external apps and sites can be blocked, to further control image handling. Similar blocking may be set for Send To operations to external apps or locations

Pushed profile settings can be automatically

applied to others

User profiles that are Pushed to Cache can be set for automatic acceptance by other logins. Sidesteps the option to reject the new settings, for consistency across all users
PAX-it! 2 v2.0.1

 PAXcam Features

Fix for uncommon painting issue

Overlaying annotation on the live preview could cause a painting error under specific minimize/restore sequences


Measurement and Image Analysis


Improved ‘Duplicate a Line’ placementClarity added to Above/Below vs Left/Right placement options
Improved Grid Overlay features

Improvements include:

a)  New overlay specifies the H/V grid measurement sizes on the final image

b)  Undo / Redo error fix when working with grids


New report tag for Detect Areas thresholdsAllows threshold levels to be indicated on images in a report, including specific thresholds per pass.   Allows visual representation of threshold vs final results for fuller reporting

ES Module Features

New report tag for full signature informationNew report tag transfers all digital signature information to an MS Excel Report, including multiple levels of signature.  Full disclosure of image creation and signature sequence is conveyed with the single tag
PAX-it!2 v2.0

PAXcam Features

NEW PAX-it! Weld Cut Pro

All-in-One Digital Inverted Microscope

Integrated weld package including high res video microscope, built-in illumination, and powerful PAX-it Weld Measurement methods.   Inverted microscope design means no focusing is necessary, and zoom levels are stored in presets for reproducible, calibrated magnifications.   PAX-it Weld Measurement tools are unsurpassed for ease of use and streamlined workflow!
NEW PAXcamHR camera released New PAXcam MacroZoom camera model with 32MP high resolution still images, advanced color control settings, 8x zoom, ROI for white balance and exposure, 4K video with audio overlay.  Uses the familiar PAXcamHD user interface for easy upgrades, with integrated HR features.
 NEW PAXcam4K camera released New PAXcam MacroZoom camera model with 8MP still images, 4K video capture, and more.   A higher-res version of the popular PAXcamHD camera for gross and macro imaging.
Voice commands for PAXcamHD, 4K and HRInstruct the PAXcam to change zoom level, adjust exposure, capture image, and more — with no mouse or foot switch needed.
New HotKeys for PAXcamHD, 4K & HR

Hotkey sequences for:

  • Launch PAXcam
  • Jump to Preset #
  • Go backward one field
Light source trigger for PAXcamX camerasAllows illumination pulse upon Capture, for photo-sensitive samples.   For PAXcamX cameras using PAXcam light sources.
DinoLite Camera moduleSpecial UI for specific DinoLite camera models, including Live image control and capture control.
Magewell capture card supportNext generation frame grabber for high res imaging from HDMI HD or 4K video sources.   Live stream and image capture is supported from the familiar PAXcam MacroZoom user interface.
New light controller hardwareNext generation controls for illumination hardware, allowing one controller for single or multiple devices.   Illuminators include PAXcam MacroZoom models and PAXcamX microscopy applications.

PAX-it Features

Sub-values may be skipped in AutoLabel ‘Hold’
Auto-Label ‘Hold Numbers‘ or ‘Hold Letters’ sub-values may be incremented with a right-click.  Greatly simplifies the process for not including a sub-increment within a list (skipping from A1 to A3, for example).
Zebra 2-D Barcode Scanner IntegrationUse the integrated Zebra driver within PAX-it, to scan barcode values into PAX-it locations.   Standard barcodes are also supported with HID devices.
Auto-Pick Annotation TemplatesUpon QuickSave, a specified overlay template will be applied, dependent on a database field’s entry.   Yields more accuracy and efficiency in applying templates.
Shape-plus-Autolabel hybrid feature addedAllows boxes and ellipses to be autolabelled sequentially as they are drawn, for a more streamlined workflow.
Full path to QS folder listed on Task BarVery helpful for installations with multiple PAX-it! databases.

Measurement & Image Analysis Features

Duplicate a Line or Arc within a Measurement SequenceAllows a preset duplicate Line or Arc to be auto-produced as part of a Measurement Sequence, for offset designations or dimensions.
Network calibrations for PAXcam Live MeasurementBypasses the need to copy calibrations between the Network Drive and the Hard Drive, for a more efficient process.
‘Prompt for Name’ dialog with added option User may cancel from within the ‘enter a line name’ dialog, if ending the process prematurely.
Enhanced Measurement Sequence efficiencyBehind-the-scenes changes to streamline the steps required to step through a Measurement Sequence routine.
Improved efficiency to building specific reportsIn the one image per sheet condition, a new option exists to only evaluate the tags for the image # that matches the sheet #.   This streamlines the report building process for multi-sheet reports.
Adjustment of the porosity ‘Tissue Layer’ designationTop and bottom limits of the Tissue Interface layer are user adjustable, rather than locked in to the standard 90/10 range.  Perfect for research applications and special materials!
Adjust number of Line Increments when GrainsizingUser can set the number of Lines or Concentric Circles within the Horizontal, Vertical, or Concentric Grainsizing methods.
Measurement Specs now accept a typed in valueUsers to may input a constant in a tolerance designation, in place of a measurement value from the image.

Extended Security Features

Default drive is set as the login driveSynchronizes the default drive to the proper database when users are set to choose between two or more drives upon login.
Enable Show/Hide Annotations for signed imagesAllows a Show/Hide action for overlays even on locked images.
Remember last username per login driveLast-used username is synchronized to the last-used drive and database, for easier login access.
Audit Trail Reports via right-click on image icon

Choices for quick reports are added to context-sensitive menu from a  single locked image:

  • Digital Signatures
  • ID tag activity
  • Document Activity
  • All Log Reports

All Log Reports’ will generate the 3 separate reports listed above it, with one click!

More consistency with Strip Stamp usageStamp images with database field information in a non-destructive border outside the image area, whether the export is from the folder level or open image level.
PAX-it! includes corrections for MS-SQL issuesForces SQL to handle data properly, requiring less administrator effort to make SQL corrections.
Consistent date format in Log ReportsDate/time display for logs is formatted like the OS date/time.
More clarity to TWAIN capture with ‘Check Image Source’Twain capture source is now reported as “Acquired via TWAIN”.

Other Module Features

Modify scripted MS-Word Report TemplateScript reporting function can now force additional Word pages to be auto-generated, to accommodate variable numbers of additional images selected by the user.
Linkam time lapse capture adjustmentTemperature data saves temporarily to the PAXcam parameters, to safeguard against improper data when using short intervals for time lapse.
PAX-it!2 v1.9

PAX-it!2 v1.9 

PAXcam Features 

PAXcam data regarding model and serial # sent to PAX-it! database fields 

Adds in ID of original image source for auditing

PAXcamHD magnification at capture is added to the dropdown list automatically

Streamlines calibration workflow – no need to manually edit the Magnification entries!

PAX-it! Features

“Import All” button added to the QuickSave wizard

Now exported QuickSave definitions can all be imported at once, making it easier to keep multiple workstations synchronized in behavior

Dependent database fields fill automatically if there is only one choice available in the associated list

Auto-filling the secondary field streamlines the workflow when tagging metadata to samples

Dependent database fields are maintained if data is added on-the-fly

Enter new secondary field data and the association is maintained to the primary field data entry.  No need for editing in the Database Setup area!

More efficient image import process

Caching of image data makes repolling unnecessary behind the scenes.  Especially helpful for network installations and large import actions.

Measurement and Image Analysis Features

New Measurement Sequence enhancements:

  • Choose Measurement Sequence based on a database field. 
  • Move to next image in the folder and auto-apply the Sequence for it
  • Capture a new image from the camera and auto-apply the Sequence for it
  • Apply defined Pass/Fail tolerance specs directly from the new UI, with immediate results
  • Interrupt the flow if a ‘Fail’ is discovered, to allow remediation or documentation actions

Even more streamlined operations for any repetitive samples requiring multiple measurements. 

Each sample type can auto-pick its own associated measurement routine!

User can move directly to a new sample or new image after a sequence is finished.

‘New Entry’ option in the dropdown of magnifications to calibrate

Streamlines the calibration process if the current magnification value does not exist in the dropdown list

Determine an image analysis routine automatically by a database field entry

Auto-pick a saved analysis routine based on sample type or other metadata 

Report CIEXYZ and CIELab data in the Measurement Totals 

As an alternative to RGB data per detected object

PAX-it!2 v1.8

PAX-it!2 v1.8

PAXcam Features

NEW PAXcamX USB 3.1 cameras for microscopy   PAXcamX USB3 cameras for demanding microscopy applications: ·    PAXcamX12 (12 Megapixel); PAXcamX5 (5 MP): PAXcamX3 (3 MP) ·    New compact housing ·    Latest Sony Pregius sensor technology ·    Supports super fast frame rates for realtime preview ·    Features low light level sensitivity, high dynamic range, and stunning color reproduction ·    For all standard optical techniques:  brightfield, darkfield, polarized light, DIC, phase contrast, clinical fluorescence ·    For new systems or to update older hardware. ·    Can be used on all microscope models
Improved white balanceMore efficient global and region-based white balance for quicker and more accurate true color rendition
Improved Find Exposure speed for USB3 camerasMore efficient ‘Find Exposure’ routine, according to a user-defined target value.
New ‘LED’ color matrix setting for USB3 cameras  For correction of color balance with modern LED light sources
 Ability to Turn OFF ‘associate a Scale Bar with Magnification’Gives more flexibility to the user when using this feature

PAX-it! Features

“Apply to all” option on Close Unsaved ImagesFor “Quicksave” or “Close” functions – will process all open images as a batch, for improved workflow
Expansion of “Recent Folder” shortcut‘Copy To’, ‘Move To’ and ‘Pick Folder’ functions now have a dropdown list of 20 most recent folders, to help eliminate browsing for a more efficient workflow
Strip Stamp functionality expandedStamp exported images with strips of data from any PAX-it! drive location
New Help File access from PAX-it dialogs  As a built-in aid for procedures using the ‘Edit Annotation’ and ‘Push Settings to Cache’ dialogs
Copy database layout to another drive  Quick method to copy database structures to a network drive or external drive; from Setup Database
PAX-it Settings restructuring for more efficient caching and sharing  ‘Measurement Items’ cache for sharing settings now includes custom columns and measurements, plus user defined settings for measurements & annotations
Network database improvements for file captureNew handling to protect against rare ‘simultaneous capture’ events
Background Subtractor settings expandedUsers may choose the default method for subtraction or division operations

Measurement and Image Analysis Features

New reporting tags for ExcelMore than 15 new tags for transferring data from PAX-it! measurements and image analysis routines to user-designed report templates.
Automatically identify existing Layers as the new Region of Interest for a new detectionPerfect for analyzing the porosity of a detected layer—there is no need to re-define the region of interest when using this new tool.
New options for orientation of transects for Detect Layers on curved substratesAllows for radial transects from inner, outer or midline regression of the layer, for flexibility in measurement specifications
New controls for fine adjustment of ROI on Detect AreasTop/Bottom & Left/Right controls for precise placement when moving the Region of Interest by dimensional values
Auto Update of Measurement Line LabelChange the unit of measure in the Measurement Totals dialog and the labels on images will auto-update as well. Users will maintain consistency while saving time and effort!
Reorganize Options>Measurement>General tabEasier-to-understand organization of items that are set as Measurement Preferences
New Tolerance Specs import/export methodExport & Import Measurement Tolerances to & from Excel in csv format, as an aid to editing values
Expansion of Measurement cached items for sharing settings between usersNow includes custom columns and measurements, plus user defined settings for measurements & annotations
New Preferences for DAS Lines and Optical Profile / Critical Dimensions LinesUser may specify to lock the measurements (block editing)
Expanded ‘Measurement Tips’ by hovering on image    Now include Image Analysis data from DAS & Flakes, as well as Detect Objects & Areas.

Extended Security Features

New safeguard for encryption/decryption of passwordsBypasses potential issues with decryption of special characters
No deletion of signed imagesEven users with deletion rights may not delete a signed asset


PAX-it!2 v1.7

PAXcam Features

Live Measurement: Report data tags have option to move across rowsNew data may be pushed across rows rather than down columns when adding measurements to a report
Live Measurement: Measurement Sequence now has Up/Down arrowsUser may navigate forward to skip measurements in the Sequence.
Live Measurement:  now has ‘Angle from vertex’ optionThe setting in Options>Measurement regarding Angle measurement on captured images is extended to Live Measurement

PAX-it Features

New database field designationsFields may be explicitly formatted to hold Date/Time, Numeric, or Yes/No data as well as freeform Text, to aid in searching and sorting functions.
Open image at a preset zoom levelSet PAX-it! Preferences to a default zoom level at which to display images.  Very helpful for standard image sizes that are different from the display resolution of the monitor.
‘Set all Annotations’ to a conditionQuick method to edit one type of annotation and apply the condition as the default for all annotations.
Installation Changes·     Installation path is set to C:Program Files (x86) for new installs ·     Migration path is an option for prior installations using the legacy C:PAXIT install path
‘Per User’ Settings Management·     All users begin with shared legacy settings after migration ·     Per User settings may be established for each Windows login, in five separate categories of PAX-it! functions ·     PAX-it! Admin accounts may Push settings out to others, so that consistency is maintained within a shared lab environment ·     Pushed settings are selected by group, so that some aspects of settings may be kept modifiable ‘Per User’.
Database management tools expanded·     ‘Export/Import’ routine allows a PAX-it! collection (database/settings/images/data) to be transferred to a new computer upon hardware or OS upgrade ·     ‘Auto Transfer of License’ routine allows the PAX-it! registration to be deactivated on one machine and moved to another
Enhancements to Print Layout feature·  Time/date may be used as the footer, or appended to a text footer ·  ‘Use Image Title as Header’ will now gray out the Header text box
Improvements to Search speed and processIncreased efficiency in the search process, for much quicker search results
PAX-it Settings restructuring / regroupingSegregation of PAXIT.ini settings, into three categories: ·  Per User, Roaming to different machines ·  Per User, on the Local Machine ·  Globally available to all users on this machine
New menu items for Toolbar ViewRibbon view’s new menu options are now exposed in Toolbar view: ·  Export PAX-it! Settings ·  Import PAX-it! Settings ·  Push Settings to Cache ·  Clear Settings Cache ·  Migrate PAX-it! Directory
Default MS Office version is upgradedInstallation defaults to xltx, docx, pptx Office files for easier workflow.

Measurement Features

xltm and xlsm reporting is activated for ‘Add to Excel’ functionsAdd macro-enabled report structure to the Add-to-Excel feature, for expanded functionality when generating ongoing reports.
‘Set all Measurements’ to a conditionQuick method to edit parameters for one type of measurement and apply the condition as the default for all basic measurements.
Generate reports directly as a PDF
  • One step to a PDF, rather than forcing a print to PDF from Word or Excel.
  • Word or Excel report also generates with the PDF, and may be saved separately
Add “T min” to Welding auto-calculations
  • User-defined “Tmin” variable identifies the smallest value in a series
  • Tmin gets used in a new Weld Data “% of line” calculation, for % Penetration and other calculations
  • Tolerance Specs are applicable to the calculations, for Pass/Fail status
Extend % of Penetration to a series of measurements, for Welding calculations
  • Calculation is now done for a set of measurements in a series, using the defined names (for example Pen1 related to Stock1, Pen2 related to Stock2, etc.
  • Measurement Totals will now display multiple ‘% of Penetration’ values if appropriate, including the application of Tolerance Specs
Import/Export Tolerance SpecsImport or Export of defined Tolerance Specs from Options>Measurement.   Allows easy sharing of Tolerance definitions across multiple workstations.
Auto select Report Template based on a combination of IDTag fieldsCreate custom reports for different samples or clients by setting a database field as the key to picking a report template, automatically!  Multiple database fields may be used in combination.
Link to a Measurement Sequence by a database fieldAutomatically select the Measurement Sequence to use based on a sample name or other database field.  Multiple database fields may be used in combination for more specificity (for example a sample name plus a client name).
User can set the format for Pass/Fail colors 
  • Pass vs Fail color (green vs red) may now be displayed in the Measurement Totals dialog as either the text or the background color, in bold vs normal text.
  • User may input their preference for the display when setting Tolerance Specs
Tolerance Specs ‘borderline’ category
  • Borderline Settings are available, as a user-defined percentage of the cutoff value
  • Independently set for the High cutoff and the Low cutoff, on the Pass side and on the Fail side
  • Preferences are also available to define the display of the borderline values for each category
  • Gives a quick, visual reference for not only Pass or Fail, but also for whether the values are approaching the cutoff!
Character limit is expanded for Measurement names
  • Measurement names have new limit of 50 characters
  • Text in ‘Title’ combo box is horizontally scrollable
  • Includes Lines, Angles, Arcs and all other manual measurements
‘Add To Excel’ reporting is expanded
  • New method allows a template tab to be reproduced, for sheets of data to be added over time.
  • A sheet-naming convention is also implemented, to allow sequential naming in alpha or numeric mode.
Header/Footer info for direct Print from MTD windowPrint Layout header and footer functions are applied when printing from the Measurement Totals toolbar, giving a more completed printout.
Scale Bar tool allows easier changes to the valueRe-implemented the feature allowing the Scale Bar dialog to open with the cursor in the Number field.  No tabbing required to initiate an edit!
Expanded dropdown list of stored namesThe dropdown list of named measurement items is expanded from 20 to 40, to allow easy access to more named items.
Excel reports open on topWhen an Excel report is generated from PAX-it!, the report opens on top of the PAX-it! screen, for immediate viewing.  No need to click on the task bar to bring up the results!
Print option from the Measurement TotalsThe tabulated measurements may be printed directly, without the need to generate a report.  ‘Print to PDF’ is also supported.

Image Analysis Features

Detect Areas: “Use same ROI as first pass” improvementsBetter handling of user workflow if there is a need to change between the first pass ROI and other ROI options.
New Layer Transects functionality for added flexibilitySet the orientation of the width of a detected layer to relate to the first or second edge of the layer, or to the midline between them.

Other Modules

New Archive/Backup ModuleOptional module for copying assets to a specified drive as a backup for safekeeping; or moving assets as an archive for freeing up space. The process may be driven manually, or be set to an automated schedule.   Archiving may be scheduled by calendar age or by inactivity period.

PAX-it!2 v1.6

PAX-it Features

General Performance / Setup Changes·        Toolbar layouts and Preferences may be saved per user, as an option to the standard C:PAXIT installation. ·        Opening a folder with a large number of images is restructured for faster access to records ·        INI settings are auto-saved during PAX-it! operation.
Navigational Aids Added·        New functions to ‘Delete’ or ‘Empty’ entire cabinet drawers and to ‘Empty’ folders, from the PAX-it! treeview’s context-sensitive menus. ·        New folder navigation aids are added, with keystroke functions for Home/End/PgUp/PgDn.
‘Font colors’ are now more easily accessibleUser interface for Font selection is improved for specific Annotation functions such as Date/Time Stamp; ID tag overlay; Point Counting
Expanded use of TITLE field in export functionsTITLE field may be used as a part of the combination of fields to auto-generate a folder title or image filename upon export
ID tag functions expanded·        ‘Copy EXIF’ icon on ID tag toolbar will copy EXIF image data to the clipboard, as an aid for reporting or sharing. ·        Linked fields are now designated by icons in the ID tag
Image Processing Improvements·     Image Processing functions have a ‘Help’ button which directly opens the appropriate Help page. ·     Image Tiling functions are expanded to support Serpentine vs Raster tiling, and Vertical vs Horizontal tiling, from any corner. ·     Image Tiling algorithm is improved for faster performance
Markup Ribbon·     ‘Grid overlay’ is now available on the Markup Ribbon, and includes a gallery of saved settings. ·     Galleries are expanded for additional stored settings for Circles, Lines, Boxes (each now with 30 places), and Text entries (now with 60 places) ·     ‘Auto Label’ is now reset when the image is closed, allowing a new image to begin at 1/A without user intervention.

Measurement Features

Tolerance Specs “Copy” functionTolerance Spec ‘Copy/Add’ function is available, to allow copying a function to make minor edits for a new procedure rather than recreating from scratch.
New option for opening data tableAuto-Display the Measurement Totals window upon opening an image
Hide measurements after they are takenHide measurements on the image to declutter the view while new measurements are made: • Hide’ function will hide the measurement on the image while maintaining it within the measurement totals. • ‘‘Remove’ button removes the measurement from the image and the measurement totals • Keystroke functions are available for Hide and Remove; and are active during a Measurement Sequence for easy implementation before the next step in the Sequence.
Data display and calculations·  Custom calculations may be typed with the keyboard; no longer limited to the onscreen virtual keypad ·  Segmented Lines and Polygon Area now have segments lengths #1-6 available as optional data display. ·  Angle measurements are now selectable to be drawn from the Vertex. ·  Dimensions of a box, angle or ellipse may be specified as they are being drawn. ·  The display of realtime measurements now uses the global font setting for the measurement type, for easier viewing.

Image Analysis Features

General IA improvements·     Speed of producing Excel reports from templates is improved, especially with large data sets. ·     Layer Detection now with graphing tab for display of Graph within the Measurement Totals window ·     Each page of the IA wizard has a ‘Help’ button taking the user to the appropriate page of the Help file ·     Box outline is drawn to show the sampling area in the Detect Edges routine.
Thresholding improvements·        Erode/Dilate enhancements, including new discard rules for easier operation. ·        Color thresholding:  HSL numbers are now visible for easier editing, and with incremental changes possible without the need to adjust the color grid.
Added functionality to Edit Spots page of Detect Areas·     New toggle functions for Auto Separate controls ·     Option for turning detected areas outlines On/Off ·     ‘Edit Hole’ function to select holes for removal within detected areas ·     ‘Close Spot’ function to bridge a spot area by joining two points on the edge of a spot. ·     Specific Auto-separated objects may be manually edited to rejoin them
Improvements to Detect Areas “Settings”·        Sizing tab is not limited to “Area” binning; choices for binning include many other parameters and a ‘no binning’ option. ·        Any change to binning criteria will activate the “Apply” button, for example changing the outline colors or units ·        Advanced Binning has more sizing attributes, including Breadth, Equivalent Diameter, Major Axis, Minor Axis ·        Added many new Excel report template tags, for expanded reporting options
Data calculations and display·     New ‘Hole Size’ data is reported for Detect Areas, allowing ‘% Hole’ calculation per object ·     New ‘Major Axis’ and ‘Minor axis’ data for Detect Areas via two optional methods; plus ‘Orientation Angle’ data for Major Axis. ·     ‘Aspect Ratio’ calculation may now be configured as ‘Minor Axis / Major Axis’ ·     Measurement Tip display is now sync’d to the data display in the Measurement Totals window. ·     Enhancements to the “Highlight an item on the image” from the Measurement Totals window, allowing multiple items to be selected, user-defined colors to be used, and export of the highlights to be made.

Extended Security Features

New Audit Trail dataColumns in the “User Permissions” Audit Trail log report are expanded to include recently added user permissions.
User-implemented ‘Lock Screen’‘Ctrl-Shft-L’ keystroke combination will immediately lock PAX-it!, allowing users to be locked at any time without the need to wait until the timeout period has expired.

PAX-it!2 v1.5

PAXcam Features

 FLIR camera supportPoint Grey FLIR camera interface is called from within PAX-it, to capture images directly into PAX-it workspace
Auto detection of PAXcam typeWhen plugging in a new PAXcam, the PAXcam model will be set in Preferences automatically.
PAXcam settings segregated per cameraUsers are notified if a PAXcam stored setting was created on a different camera.
PAXcam ‘camera-only’ enhancement‘Send to MS-Word’ added to PAXcam Camera Only interface, allowing image capture directly into an open Word document.
Live Annotation enhancementsLive preview Ellipse annotations may be set specifically as a circle, and Box annotations may be set specifically as a square
Live Measurement with live updatesFunctionality to edit a measurement and have the measurement label update on the overlay is now extended to Arcs, Circles, and Fitted Lines
Scale bar reminder to calibratePrompts any time there is not an associated scale bar calibration when the user attempts to overlay a scale bar on the live preview.
Clarifying labels for PAXcamHD controlsAdditional text on PAXcamHD UI for Zoom (‘Tele’, ‘Wide’), Focus (‘Near’, ‘Far’), and more.
PAXcamHD lens motor speed controlsMotor speeds may be set independently for Zoom Tele vs Wide, and for Focus Near vs Far.
PAXcamHD crosshair addedCrosshair on PAXcamHD is supported, in various colors
“Wait” function for PAXcamHD captureA ‘wait’ up to 5 sec may be set before closing the Quicksaved image, in order to verify the hands-free capture
PAXcamHD lighting controls A ‘Light control’ pane is added for controlling the ring light and back lights for PAXcamHD.  Light settings may be stored as part of the camera preset!
PAXcamHD ‘Z-Stack’ methodNew control available for PAXcamHD users, to auto-create a Z-stack of images which are fused into one in-focus view.  Great for tall samples or high mag samples when the depth of field is shallow.
Video capture includes audioAudio recording is allowed when video recording from PAXcam or PAXcamHD
Video capture limits eliminated‘Timed’ and ‘no time limit’ capture have been optimized up to 30 fps, and with continuous capture to disk.  Time limits are based on storage space, rather than processing limits.
Camera  type logged in image headerSpecific EXIF data is logged to the image header upon capture from PAXcam or PAXcamHD.

PAX-it Features

Markup Ribbon changes
  • Auto-sub-labelling is available when holding either alpha or numeric values
  • Alpha auto-label rolls over to AA, AB, etc
  • Arrowheads now available on Markup ribbon Line tool
Expanded export functions
  • “Combine fields” upon export.  For example, use a filename that is a combination of Sample #, Magnification, and Operator.
  • ‘Append Strip’ function stamps database information to a non-destructive image header or footer, rather than on the image itself
  • ‘Send To’ function sorts exported images into Folders and Filenames according to database field entries
  • Export data from image database fields from a folder to a .csv file
EXIF data displayEXIF data in an imported image’s header may be displayed within the PAX-it user interface.
QS Wizard Treeview enhancementMore than one directory level or folder may be added to the Tree from within the QuickSave Wizard.
Export/Import QuickSave settingsQuickSave routines may now be exported and saved.  No need to manually duplicate the settings on another workstation—simply import them.
New Annotation methods
  • Touch-screen-friendly option for ‘Click Two Points’ to draw a line, circle, or box.
  • Annotate “Ellipse” tool can be set to force a circle
  • Annotate “Box” tool can be set to force a square
  • Annotation Nudge control using Ctrl-arrows on keyboard
PAX-it Start Up optionPAX-it can launch a user-designated script upon startup, or launch the general scripting interface
Tiling changes
  • The tiling process has been made speedier
  • Options are given for tiling with different overlap methods
Copy/Paste multiple ID tags  Multiple entries may be copied and pasted as a block in the ID tag view of folder contents.
Resize enhancementResizing may be done by a specified percentage.  Resizing by pixel dimensions is also converted to percentages, for reference.
Update of Preferences interface
  • Expansion of Undo buffer on Annotations tab of Preferences
  • Changes to Cabinets/Folders, Data, and Zoom tabs in Preferences

Measurement Features

Expansion of Measurement Sequence
  • Users may export a Measurement Sequence and then Import it onto another machine, to synchronize settings
  • Users may define a new measurement item during the construction of a Measurement Sequence—no longer limited to already-defined measurements!
  • Measurement Sequence dialog will remember position, replacing the condition where the dialog would always be centered when opening
Calibration enhancements
  • Measurement calibration crosshair may be extended to full width of the image, for easier viewing
  • Choosing a color setting applies to all calibration markers– horizontal and vertical lines, as well as the diagonal calibration crosshairs
  • New listing in Measurement Preferences to set a precision specifically for the scale bar
Snap/Extend/Trim new features
  • The ‘Snap’ setting is remembered between Snap sessions
  • Users may continue with the Extend or Trim functions until they manually switch out of it
  • New function to extend or trim a line by a given value
New grid line functionalityGrid lines may be limited to a region of interest, rather than across the entire image.
Option for overlay of measurementsNew Preference allows turning off the live display of measurement values as they are being drawn
New reporting optionSupport for macro enabled Excel Templates, which will generate reports in as xlsm files
PAXcamHD Markup ribbon with Area toolThe “Polygon Area” measurement tool is added to the touch-screen-friendly.Markup ribbon, as “Area”

Image Analysis Features

Detect Areas enhancements
  • Ability to change precision of Detect Areas
  • Auto-separate objects routine, and watershed image filter routine are made more efficient
  • Change threshold pseudocolor from the threshold selection screen
Updated graph functions
  • Hidden objects in Meas Totals grid are also hidden in graph results
  • Detect Areas graphs now more like graphs of other measurements, with zoom control, scrolling, and target markers
Measurement Tip overlaysMeasurement Tip font preference is extended to tips that are dropped on to the image
Flake Analysis enhancementAdd new “custom” flake classification method
Layer ThicknessLayer Thickness line totals use the same settings as the Line totals for data display.
Grainsize Wizard changeDefault Grainsize color settings allow the analysis components to be distinguished without user intervention

Extended Security Features

New User Account controls
  • Per user setting to deactivate account after a period of inactivity
  • New Preference to use the dropdown of usernames when logging in
  • Better handling of “Group” designation when a user is added
Export functionAdd digital signature imprint as a header rather than an overlay
Locked features
  • Compress / UnCompress is blocked after initial image insertion into database
  • “Refresh Icons” is grayed out, to avoid an untracked change to image

Other Module Features

CONNECTStill image is sent to PAX-it Inbox, if available on the Player side.  Creates an easier and more contained import process.
Scope Control
  • PAX-it user interface for controlling Navitar 12x Ultrazoom motorized lenses
  • PAX-it user interface added for additional Olympus scope controllers, including U-CBX and CB
  • Scope Control interface enhanced for easier configuration of lens and cube positions and names
Stage ControlPAX-it user interface for controlling Newport ESP301 motion controller
New Scripting Functions
  • New scripting functions for controlling:
  • Newport motion control
  • Navitar motorized lens controls
  • PAXcamHD motorized lens and camera controls

PAX-it!2 v1.4

PAXcam Features

 New option to maintain PAXcam window position when switching between Show and Hide states

Updated drivers

Updated all PAXcam drivers, signed for Windows10

PAXit Features

Startup Options expanded

  • Startup Options expanded to include Launch PAXcamHD MacroZoom, Open QuickSave Folder, Open Last Folder, and Launch Stage
  • Startup Options include a setting that allows you to determine which ribbon is active when PAX-it opens
  • A new message may be set to pop up when closing PAX-it, to avoid accidentally closing the application

 New Treeview functions

  • The PAX-it collection of project folders will autoscroll while dragging folders to the edges of the Treeview window
  • Images may be moved from an open folder to a folder in the Treeview through a drag-and-drop operation, using the image icon
 Improved Quicksave dialog ‘Set as Quicksave’ or ‘Show ID Tag on QS’ dialogs are resizable, allowing many more database fields to be shown

 Auto-date field

 A database field may be specified to autopopulate with the date, when an image or file is inserted into the database
 Improved Process Images workflow When choosing a “Process Images” routine, the Settings for the chosen process will now pop up to be checked and/or edited

Measurement & Analysis Features

 Measurement Totals Window updates

  • Multiple rows of measurements may now be deleted from the Measurement Totals window in one operation, to simplify the process
  • “Copy to clipboard” now includes multi-row plus multi-column capability for greatly expanded copy/paste functionality
  • “Copy to clipboard” now can be set for pasting into either CSV or Excel formatted files
  • New “Group Panes” button on the Reports ribbon, to easily pull all panes of displayed measurements into one tabbed window with a single click

 Updates to Line Measurements

  • New setting for calculating % Penetration, allowing user-defined line names to be used in the auto-calculation…great for WELD measurements!
  • Preference added to hide the 0.0 text associated with the first Parallel Line Caliper measurement, when displaying text on the image
  • Thickness of measurement lines is retained as part of the default Measure Line setting
  • “Clear All” button added to Options >Measurement> Lines as a new method for removing custom line names.

Image Analysis

 Custom formulas improvements
  • Custom formulas can now be used in other custom calculations, expanding the flexibility of how image analysis data may be used
  • Results of user-defined custom formulas may now be included as database search criteria
  • The custom formula’s pane may be scrolled if the formula extends beyond the default width of the window
  • Removed the 100 character limit on custom formulas, expanding the custom design options
 Image Analysis Wizard enhancements
  • The current image calibration is now displayed in all analysis wizards, as a reminder
  • A Polygon ROI may now be grabbed and moved as a unit when placing on an image within an image analysis wizard
  • Auto scroll is functional when drawing the rectangle or polygon ROI

 Detect Areas improvements

  • New one-click auto-analysis for objects & areas, and for areas only, in the dropdown listing of Detect Areas analyses
  • Added the ability to Edit a Saved Analysis to rework it and make changes
  • In the Detect Areas wizard, a new pop-up message alerts users if their settings yield no detected objects or areas, with the option to edit settings
  • When tracking the position of detected objects, the 0,0 point now has expanded options including “Bottom left”, “Top right”, and “Bottom right”
  • When graphing Detected Areas (objects & areas), a graph of Percent Area may be performed, as well as a graph of total object area
  • A new “View Analysis Settings” function allows settings to be reviewed after a Detect Areas has been run, helping with interpretation of the results

 Detect Areas threshold operation improvements

  • Threshold values from previous passes are indicated on a new threshold slider, along with their color, aiding user to set threshold values for the new pass
  • Objects and Areas detection can now have detected objects filled with threshold color, not just outlined
  • On the Threshold page, the user may double-click in the colored area of the slider to select a new color
 Detect Areas ROI improvements
  • The areas detected in the first pass of a Detect Areas first pass may be designated as the ROI for a subsequent pass
  • Multiple ROIs may be defined in a single pass, for much more flexibility in defining regions of interest in an image
 New Detect Areas measurement display for D values
  • Pharma customers may input D values cutoffs, to display cumulative percentages of detected objects
  • D value points are graphically displayed on the Detect Areas graph tab

Extended Security Features

 New Permissions available to groups or users
  • Added an option to lock users out of the stage interface
  • Added an option to lock users out of the scripting interface,
  • Added an option to lock users out of the CONNECT module
 Batch processing of images includes Pass/Fail designations
  • When inputting Pass/Fail values for multiple images, users can now specify “Apply to All”, to simplify the process
  • The name of each image is given when processing multiple images in sequence, to help facilitate the Pass/Fail process
 Expanded “Check Image Source” function “Check Image Source” will now highlight multiple images if the current image was derived from multiple original parent images

 New method for applying Digital Signatures

 “Apply Digital Signature” is now available in the right-click menu dropdown when image(s) are highlighted in the folder

PAX-it!2 v1.3

PAXcam Features

 Live Annotations  Annotations are available on the live PAXcam preview through added tools in the “Overlay” pane. Includes circles, lines, arrows, boxes, move and edit functions, template creation and application
 PAXcamHD TWAIN TWAIN interface for running the PAXcamHD MacroZoom camera. Capture directly to an external imaging application
 CONNECT compress on capture  In PAXcam CONNECT, if a streaming session is initiated, then a “compress” button is available on the image capture user interface (no need to switch it in “Preferences”)


PAX-it Features

 Arrowhead style remembered  Set the Draw Line arrowhead style, and it is remembered—don’t need to dropdown each time to add an arrowhead
 “Send To” enhancement for exporting  Set up a separate list of unique export paths in the “Send To” dropdown list, allowing a quick switch between different standard export locations
 “Clear” for database fieldsIn the QuickSave wizard, individual database fields can be set to Clear when the ID tag pops up (it is no longer clear all or none)
 Annotate line shift Annotate line can be shifted in 45 degree increments by holding the Shift key while dragging


Measurement & Analysis Features

 Measurement Line ShiftMeasurement line can be shifted in 45 degree increments by holding the Shift key while dragging
 Measurement Angle Shift Measurement angle can be shifted in 15 degree increments while drawing. Increments may be from the XY image planes, or from the first line of the drawn angle
 Crosshairs may be thickened  Option to thicken the measurement crosshairs— was only “1” thick, now can be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4.
 Measurement values displayed on the image  Measurement types will show the values on the image, even when titles are separate objects and can be moved
 Improved Graphing Data for graphing is now in sync with the data columns shown in the Measurement Totals, for a cleaner presentation


Image Analysis

 Optional Aspect Ratio calculation New Option for Aspect Ratio, using Min and Max Feret Diameters. An alternative to the W/H calculation
 Remove detected spots from analysis  In Detect Areas “Edit Spots” page, individual detected spots may be removed with a click. An option for selecting a whole region of spots to discard is also available
 Export/Import image filters In the Detect Areas “Threshold” page, any user-defined filters can be exported and then imported into a different routine (helpful in a multi-user environment).


Extended Security Features

 Enhanced Administrative functions

 New Administrative functions:

  • Block the use of the PAX-it Recycle area
  • An option to hide the path for Windows navigation to an asset
  • View user permissions without creating a “change permission” instance
  • New Permission for the ability to see all user logs, even if not an administrator
 Auto-Signing options for images  Reports that are generated may now be auto-signed and uneditable upon creation
 Multiple levels of digital signatures

 Multiple levels for signing a single document or image

  • Allows a stepwise review process, ending with a Final signature
  • A new search function is available for all items at a particular current signature level
 Designate Pass or Fail when signing

 Pass/Fail designation is available when signing:

  • Reason for Pass or Fail is part of signature
  • Pass/Fail and Reason are recorded in a database field and are searchable
  • Display of digital signature includes Pass vs Fail, and Reason
 Auto-stamping of exported images

 Choice of what is stamped onto images when exporting, printing, and reporting, including:

  • Capture date/time, and by whom
  • Signature date/time, and by whom
  • Pass/Fail status
  • Reason for Pass/Fail
 Additional logs created New logs & log reports to cover permission modifications & deletions
 Enhanced functionality within a database search  Digital signatures and Check Signature functions may be carried out from the Search Results window.

PAX-it!2 v1.2

PAXcam Features

NEW PAXcamHD MacroZoom Camera for Gross Imaging Workstations (Pathology) or Inspection Applications (Industrial)
  • HD 1080p live video preview and image capture with motorized zoom for macro imaging
  • Camera presets include zoom level, camera settings, and Quicksave routines
  • Supports Still Image Capture, PAXcam Connect, Video Recording and Time Lapse Capture functions.
  • New touch-friendly ‘Markup’ ribbon for annotation, with galleries of saved presets for markup items
 Auto-open PAXcam Automatically open the PAXcam when PAX-it launches, for those labs where digital image capture is the primary workflow item.
 Live Measurement Improvements
  • Stored ‘Measurement Sequence’ routines can be done as Live Measurements! Easy workflow for repetitive measurements
  • Magnification field is filled in to the database field on capture
  • Dropdowns are now associated with Live Measurement functions, for adjusting the units of measure, changing settings, and access to named measurements
  • The standard cursor (pointer) may be chosen from the Live Measurement options
  • Save and Apply Templates can be done on the Live Measurement window, using the list that is stored for PAX-it Annotations
 Direct Capture to Hot Links PAXcam images can now be directly sent to Hot Link locations on Capture, for direct capture to many more external applications!


PASS/FAIL Designations  Pass/Fail designation can be indicated for a sample, not just a specific measurement.  The feature now includes a searchable database field that updates with Pass or Fail, and a stamp on the image as “Pass” or “Fail”. Quick, easy and according to your specifications!
 Improved Tolerance Specs Function Improvements to Tolerance Specs, including support for multiple databases on different drives
 Additional Graphing Features  Graphing tools are no longer limited to Lines and Detect Areas, but are expanded to include circles, angles, areas, and more
 Precision Settings by Measurement Type Separate levels of precision beyond the decimal point may be set for different measurement types. For example, measure Areas to one decimal, while setting linear measurements to 3 decimals.
 Quick Tabbing of Measurement Windows  New “Group All Measurement Panes” button on the Measurement Totals window, to aggregate all types of measurement totals into one tabbed dialog
 Line Thickness Adjustment  The thickness of a drawn measurement may now be increased

Image Analysis

 Remove Unwanted Areas from an Analysis  Option to “Remove Spots” in a Detect Areas routine, to manually delete multiple items that should not be included in counts
 Breadth Data New “Breadth” data is calculated and displayed for an object in Detect Objects and Areas, defined as the Feret Diameter that is perpendicular to the Max Feret Diameter

PAX-it Features

Options Reorganization  Options > Preferences and Options > Measurement have been reorganized with fewer tabs and more logical places to find items
 Folder-level Improvements:
  • Small icons are now shown on the frame of the folder-level image icon, to indicate where the image came from and how the image has been used
  • Folder level toolbar icons have been reorganized with similar items grouped together
 Treeview Improvements
  • Drag & Drop is supported from an open folder to a folder in the Treeview, to MOVE the image (if the destination folder is on the same drive), or COPY the image (if on another drive)
  • Changeable font & color properties for the Treeview’s cabinets, folders, and empty folders
  • The tree expands only after a one second hover over a folder, to prevent unwanted expansions as folders are dragged across the tree
 Quicksave improvements
  • QuickSave Dialog has a “Clear All” button, to quickly empty items from a previous QS session
  • If a database field is designated as a required field, the cursor is set there automatically when using “Display ID Tag on QS”
  • A user’s login name may be set to autofill into a specified database field
 Export improvements
  • Users may choose to maintain an image’s current DPI on export
  • A specific Export folder may be set up as a Hot Link item, administered separately from the Export Image settings
 Auto-adjustment of Text Text overlay can be set to auto-size based on the image resolution

PAX-it!2 v1.1

PAXcam Features

 Improved AutoCorrect

Improved PAXcam “AutoCorrect” routine, with exposure, contrast, and autoWB options.
 Auto-open PAXcam Automatically open the PAXcam when PAX-it launches, for those labs where digital image capture is the primary workflow item.

PAX-it Features

Workflow Improvements

  • ‘Create new QuickSave folder’ is now available from the Treeview, to save a step when starting a new project
  • Image import defaults to “any image file” if that is the last choice that was used
  • Option to ‘Delete Source File’ on image import
  • ‘Copy Crop to Workspace’ directly copies and pastes with one click
  • “Process Images” functions are reorganized for easier access from folder-level toolbar

 Image Rotation

 ‘Rotate images’ now specifies Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise direction

 New Notepad Functions

  • Notepad contents may be stored as a reusable template and applied to other notepads
  • Text file contents may be imported into PAX-it image notepads

 New ID Tag Functions

  • ID tag contents may be saved as a template and reused on other images
  • Conditional fields are grayed out if the linked field is empty
  • Copy/paste of ID tag information is expanded to multiple images selected in the folder view, for quick updating of metadata
  • Display of Image Properties may now be modified for the type of content to display

 Additional links to MS-Office

  • “Send To” function from the main PAX-it workspace now includes PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook links
  • The last selection is remembered for future sessions

Measurement & Analysis Features

New Repetitive Measurement Tool

 “Measurement Sequence” routine is released, for powerful user-defined scripting of repetitive measurements:

  • Users define the sequence of measurements
  • Includes mixed measurement types (lines, angles, arcs, areas, etc)
  • All Measurement Sequence items may have stored attributes for color, font, style
  • Pop-up window shows the sequence of measurements to be made, with instructions
  • Backwards movement (for a correction) or forward movement (to skip a measurement) is allowed
 Measurement Totals & Graphing Improvements
  • Measurement Totals may auto-sort Line names alphabetically, and may also group similar Line names together for immediate summary
  • Measurement Totals may auto-sort Line names alphabetically, and may also group similar Line names together for immediate summary
  • Graphing of Line data includes grouping of similar line names
  • Graphing of grouped line data may include plus/minus standard deviations
  • Line Graphs may be zoomed and scrolled along X and Y axes
 New Easy Report Method  ‘Transfer to Excel’ reports are now expandable to include the image, image properties, and database field information along with the raw data and graph. A quick and easy report generation technique!

Extended Security Features

 Improvements to ES Log Reports

New Log Report formatting tools with expanded features:

  • Sort data columns in the report
  • Save report layouts and reuse them
  • Generate reports for recent activity (for example ‘last 7d’, ‘last 30d’)
  • Export log reports in txt and xls formats
  • Print reports in current format
 New Login Credentials  Windows Authentication may be used as the ES login
 Streamlined Digital Signature ‘Apply to All’ may be selected to apply digital signatures to multiple assets

PAX-it!2 v1.0

PAXcam Features


  • Collapsible panels allow only controls that are needed to be displayed
  • Settings segregated by topic
  • Right-click on panel name to access relevant settings
  • Dock PAXcam controls on right or left side, or allow them to float
 NEW USB3 Camera models  NEW USB3 PAXcam MODELS now available, in 2mp and 4mp versions:

  • Specifically designed for routine microscopy in high throughput labs
  • Super-quick live previews available without delays or “jogging” of the image.
  • Available with the classic PAXcam interface, or the latest Panel View interface
 Capture measurements on image Capture to Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and clipboard now allows capture of live measurement overlays onto the image as it is sent to the other application directly from the PAXcam

PAX-it Features

Ribbon view user interface  NEW RIBBON VIEW USER INTERFACE to simplify the user interface

  • Organized
  • Quick Access ribbon
  • User-defined ribbons
  • Larger icons & more descriptions
  • Switch to a default ribbon upon image capture or opening an image from a stored folder: simplify your workflow by exposing the most-needed functions immediately
 Treeview for browsing NEW TREEVIEW USER INTERFACE to expand storage and browsing functions:

  • Drag and drop
  • Nesting
  • Multiple cabinets in view
  • Find current folder in view
  • Alphabetize/Sort
  • Supports Quicksave and Navigational Toolbar functions
 Japanese language support
  • Japanese language support
  • Languages may be switched in Preferences– perfect for PAX-it’s expanding global markets
 Auto rotate Auto-rotate an image to a marked feature. Quickly re-orients an image for reporting or easier measurements.
 PowerPoint enhancement Sending a PAX-it or PAXcam image to Powerpoint now fills the slide with no margin.
 Watermark images upon Export
  • Designate an image to use as a watermark that is stamped on images as they are exported.
  • Set the transparency of the watermark stamp
  • Set the location of the stamp

An easy way to imprint images for copyright or exclusive-use restrictions.

 Process Images while QuickSaving QuickSave routine has “Process Images” option. Automatically rotate, flip, resize, or filter images during the QuickSave process.
 Expanded Quicksave Functions from the Folder Set as Quicksave from the folder now has access to all QuickSave settings. Expands how the QuickSave process may be implemented to improve workflow.
 Send Images from Workspace  Send to… function now includes PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook and clipboard. No need to visit image icons within a folder—send to your reports or email directly from the work space!
 Text Annotation Improvements
  • New option to ‘Autosize” the text box while annotating
  • Set current text annotation style as the default, right from the editor interface
 Copy/Paste ID tags within the folder view When displaying ID tags for icons inside a project folder, the contents of one image’s ID tag may be copied and pasted to another image in that folder. An intuitive tool for editing database fields!

Measurement & Analysis Features

New Projected Angle Measurement  Projected angle measurement now available:

  • No need for sides of the angle to intersect
  • Length of each side is also reported
  • Vertex location is indicated if it occurs on the image
 Option for Default Units Specify to use measurement units on the image as the default units in reports, to simplify the report-making process.
 Additional Measurement Tags  Tag image with measurement title & value for multiple measurement types, including circles, arcs, ellipses, angles, rectangles, areas. For example, tag an image “Offset angle: 32.1 degrees” at the point of the angle measurement.

Other PAX-it Features

Huvitz AutoFocus Huvitz microscope AutoFocus capability; adds to previously released Huvitz scope integration
 New Script functions added for additional functionality

PAX-it!2 v1.6.2

PAXcam Features

Live Measurement: Report data tags have option to move across rowsNew data may be pushed across rows rather than down columns when adding measurements to a report
Live Measurement: Measurement Sequence now has Up/Down arrowsUser may navigate forward to skip measurements in the Sequence.
Live Measurement:  now has ‘Angle from vertex’ optionThe setting in Options>Measurement regarding Angle measurement on captured images is extended to Live Measurement

PAX-it Features

Enhancements to Print Layout feature·  Time/date may be used as the footer, or appended to a text footer ·  ‘Use Image Title as Header’ will now gray out the Header text box
Improvements to Search speed and processIncreased efficiency in the search process, for much quicker search results
PAX-it Settings restructuring / regroupingSegregation of PAXIT.ini settings, into three categories: ·  Per User, Roaming to different machines ·  Per User, on the Local Machine ·  Globally available to all users on this machine
New menu items for Toolbar ViewRibbon view’s new menu options are now exposed in Toolbar view: ·  Export PAX-it! Settings ·  Import PAX-it! Settings ·  Push Settings to Cache ·  Clear Settings Cache ·  Migrate PAX-it! Directory
Default MS Office version is upgraded Installation defaults to xltx, docx, pptx Office files for easier workflow.

Measurement and Analysis Features

  Generate reports directly as a PDF   ·  One step to a PDF, rather than forcing a print to PDF from Word or Excel. ·  Word or Excel report also generates with the PDF, and may be saved separately
Add “T min” to Welding auto-calculations ·  User-defined “Tmin” variable identifies the smallest value in a series ·  Tmin gets used in a new Weld Data “% of line” calculation, for % Penetration and other calculations ·  Tolerance Specs are applicable to the calculations, for Pass/Fail status
Extend % of Penetration to a series of measurements, for Welding calculations·  Calculation is now done for a set of measurements in a series, using the defined names (for example Pen1 related to Stock1, Pen2 related to Stock2, etc ·  Measurement Totals will now display multiple ‘% of Penetration’ values if appropriate, including the application of Tolerance Specs
Import/Export Tolerance SpecsImport or Export of defined Tolerance Specs from Options>Measurement.   Allows easy sharing of Tolerance definitions across multiple workstations.
Auto select Report Template based on a combination of IDTag fields  Create custom reports for different samples or clients by setting a database field as the key to picking a report template, automatically!  Multiple database fields may be used in combination.
Link to a Measurement Sequence by a database fieldAutomatically select the Measurement Sequence to use based on a sample name or other database field.  Multiple database fields may be used in combination for more specificity (for example a sample name plus a client name).
User can set the format for Pass/Fail colors ·  Pass vs Fail color (green vs red) may now be displayed in the Measurement Totals dialog as either the text or the background color, in bold vs normal text. ·  User may input their preference for the display when setting Tolerance Specs
Tolerance Specs ‘borderline’ category·  Borderline Settings are available, as a user-defined percentage of the cutoff value ·  Independently set for the High cutoff and the Low cutoff, on the Pass side and on the Fail side ·  Preferences are also available to define the display of the borderline values for each category ·  Gives a quick, visual reference for not only Pass or Fail, but also for whether the values are approaching the cutoff!
Character limit is expanded for Measurement names·  Measurement names have new limit of 50 characters ·  Text in ‘Title’ combo box is horizontally scrollable ·  Includes Lines, Angles, Arcs and all other manual measurements
‘Add To Excel’ reporting is expanded·  New method allows a template tab to be reproduced, for sheets of data to be added over time. ·  A sheet-naming convention is also implemented, to allow sequential naming in alpha or numeric mode.
Header/Footer info for direct Print from MTD windowPrint Layout header and footer functions are applied when printing from the Measurement Totals toolbar, giving a more completed printout.
Scale Bar tool allows easier changes to the valueRe-implemented the feature allowing the Scale Bar dialog to open with the cursor in the Number field.  No tabbing required to initiate an edit!
Detect Areas: “Use same ROI as first pass” improvementsBetter handling of user workflow if there is a need to change between the first pass ROI and other ROI options.


PAX-it!2 v1.6.1

PAX-it Features

Installation Changes·     Installation path is set to C:Program Files (x86) for new installs ·     Migration path is an option for prior installations using the legacy C:PAXIT install path
‘Per User’ Settings Management·     All users begin with shared legacy settings after migration ·     Per User settings may be established for each Windows login, in five separate categories of PAX-it! functions ·     PAX-it! Admin accounts may Push settings out to others, so that consistency is maintained within a shared lab environment ·     Pushed settings are selected by group, so that some aspects of settings may be kept modifiable ‘Per User’.
Database management tools expanded·     ‘Export/Import’ routine allows a PAX-it! collection (database/settings/images/data) to be transferred to a new computer upon hardware or OS upgrade ·     ‘Auto Transfer of License’ routine allows the PAX-it! registration to be deactivated on one machine and moved to another

Measurement Features

Expanded dropdown list of stored namesThe dropdown list of named measurement items is expanded from 20 to 40, to allow easy access to more named items.
Excel reports open on topWhen an Excel report is generated from PAX-it!, the report opens on top of the PAX-it! screen, for immediate viewing.  No need to click on the task bar to bring up the results!
Print option from the Measurement TotalsThe tabulated measurements may be printed directly, without the need to generate a report.  ‘Print to PDF’ is also supported.

Image Analysis Features



blank to keep old versions closed
PAX-it! v7.9

PAXcam Features

  New icons for the PAXcam interface for an updated look
New PAXcam Tooltips Even more tooltips for PAXcam functions, for quick reference to functions

PAX-it Features

 New icons for the PAX-it toolbars
 Image Edit Enhancements
  • ID tag is copied to the newly produced image when images are edited
  • Option may be set to copy an image before “Burn in Annotations” is done
  Quick method to define a default condition for Annotations, on the Edit screen
  New “auto straighten” function to rotate images to a user-drawn feature line
  New Annotation toolbar button to “Select All Videotext” with one click
 Improved Security Guest entry into user-owned folders, with rights for viewing only
 Improved Access to Folder Functions Right-click on folder tab for a menu to Close or Empty or Rename
 Insert in Excel  Guest entry into user-owned folders, with rights for viewing only

Measurement & Analysis Features

 Angle, Circle, Arc, Segmented Lines, Calipers Tag an image with a text overlay showing the measurement title & measurement value. No need to display the Measurement Totals window to read out single values!
 Additions to Detect Areas Functions
  • On multiple passes, the first-used threshold can be used for subsequent passes
  • The total counts across passes may be graphed
  • 0,0 coordinates for the reported center of objects may related to the image center, or image upper left
 Grainsizing Feature  Grainsize threshold may be displayed on final image
 Improved Sample Templates Updated the sample Excel report templates to .xltx format

Other PAX-it Features

Additional Extended Security Functions
  • Navigate to a parent image
  • Authenticate an image as original, before it is signed
  • User-owned folders can be used in ES
 Expanded Scope Controls
  • Read objective position from Huvitz microscope
  • Place Huvitz objective value into PAX-it db field
  • Control Huvitz motorized Z
 New Script Controls
  • Script function for Motorized Stage Free Move
  • Script functions for setting PAXcam Preview Resolution and Size of preview
  • Script function for activating the PAXcam live preview ROI subwindow

PAX-it! v7.8

PAXcam Features

Windows 8 Compatibility Windows 8 compatibility for PAXcam cameras. Upgrade your OS to Windows 8 without buying a new camera!
 New PAXcam Tooltips  PAXcam expanded tooltips by hovering over areas of the interface. Descriptions of features and tips for operation are given in a pop up box, as an instructional aid or reminder.

PAX-it Features

Windows 8 Compatibility Windows 8 compatibility. All PAX-it features and modules may be operated in a Windows 8 environment.
 Expanded Dropdown Functions
  • “Back to Last Folder” and “Save to Last Folder” have been expanded so that there are new choices: “Back (or Save) to Recent Folder”, with the list of recently visited folders presented.
  • New dropdown associated with the “TWAIN” button, so you can select the TWAIN source right from the toolbar. Other TWAIN-related functions can be set at this dropdown as well.
  • ‘Group/Ungroup’ added to right click videotext menu.
  • ‘Hide annotation’ is now a button on Annotations bar.
 Database Search Enhancements
  • Ability to navigate to “next” or “previous” image within a Search Results table. This is great when sifting through images brought up by a search, or when comparing search results to a docked image.
  • New dropdown next to “DB Search” button on the main toolbar allows a quick change from Advanced Search to Basic Search
 Zoom to Preset Level New button to “Zoom to preset level”. One click to zoom the displayed image(s) to a user-defined standard zoom level.
 Navigation over Locked Folders  When navigating from folder to folder, you may now skip over a locked folder if you don’t know the password.
 Import Polling Import polling is expanded from 3 settings to 100 settings! Create a variety of specialized import routines to handle your samples.

Measurement Features

 Point Counting Improvements
  • “Point Counting” totals are now displayed in Measurement Totals window.
  • Point Counting settings are accessible from a dropdown next to the button, include the “Reset Counts”
  • New Point Counting setting for “Do Not Increment”, forcing counts to all be related to Category #1.
 Expansion of ‘Reference Object’ Capability
  • New “Reference lines”, “Reference Arcs”, “Reference Ellipses” and others may be drawn with no Measurement Totals results given. This is perfect for defining a baseline from which other measurements are produced.
  • These Reference measurements may be stored with names and attributes for easy construction.
  • Reference lines may be included in the PAX-it Line Sequences workflow!
 “No Tag” Expansion Non-line measurements (circles, arcs, etc.) can now be set with no tags, if a cleaner view is desired.
 Weld Measurement Enhancements
  • “Percent Penetration” is auto-calculated from two measurement lines, and displayed in Measurement Totals window
  • Percent Penetration may be used with a Tolerance Spec indicator
 Expanded Calibration Storage  The number of stored calibrations has been extended to 10,000+.
 Polygon Segment Lengths  Polygon area measurement will also give line segment lengths, to break down the perimeter into its segments.
 Rotate Grouped Lines Grouped measurement lines may be rotated all at once, for example to set Reference lines for measurement.

Other PAX-it Features

 Extended Security Expansion Multiple SQL Server databases may be used with the Extended Security module in one deployment.
 Motorized Stage Module Enhancements
  • Olympus motorized scope control is added to the Stage module, for computer control of objective nosepiece, illumination, optical techniques, and laser autofocus.
  • Prior motorized Z-column is addressable through the Motorized Stage interface.
  • Stage control with expanded “Go To” coordinate listings, for more precise user movement.
  • Stage control of Theta angle on rotating stages. Perfect for wafer inspection and filter disc inspection.
 Expansion of Script Controls
  • New Script functions for even more flexibility in your automated microscopy routines, including: stage theta rotation, PAXcam crosshairs, Olympus microscope motor control, and Olympus Laser Autofocus control.
  • New script functions for deskew, allowing for more precise tiling operations.

PAX-it! v7.7

PAXcam Features

 PAXcam1+ NEW PAXcam model features a 1.4mp CCD sensor with low light capability! Extremely low noise in an uncooled, affordable camera.
 PAXcam5+ NEW PAXcam model features a 5mp CCD sensor for high resolution color imaging.
 Camera Display Option Automatically Minimize or Close the PAXcam interface upon image capture, for easier review of the captured image in the PAX-it workspace.
 Background Subtraction on CaptureWhen performing a background subtraction, the subtraction can be set to occur at the time of image capture. This allows faster frame rates than continually processing the live preview, while saving the step of manually performing background subtraction on captured images.
 Live Measurement AdjustmentIn Live Measurement mode, the “calibration not valid” message does not appear unless the user clicks the “MEAS” tab.
 Image Display Option New ‘No Tile’ option for image capture and display. Allows for images to maintain their arrangement in the PAX-it workspace, without rearranging when a new image is added.

PAX-it Features

Expanded TooltipsNew Tooltips for all toolbar buttons have multiple lines of text, for quick onscreen help and clearer tips
 Adjustments to Settings
  • PDF and all MS-Office files are now included in File Types listing
  • Videotext “Settings” now hides the non-relevant tabs for a cleaner look
  • When choosing from the dropdown for “Process images”, the “Settings” displays the last-used routine
  • Standard cursor state is returned right after the videotext ‘Group’ function
 Maintain Annotations on Combined Images  ‘Add annotations’ option is now available in the “Paste images together” function. Annotations will be automatically burned in on the final combined image.
 Expansion of QuickSave Functions
  • New option to “Open folder on Quicksave”. When an image is quicksaved, the Quicksave folder will automatically open for viewing
  • Users are not required to save every new Quicksave definition.
  • When exporting images from the PAX-it workspace, a new option allows all open images to be exported at once
  • When importing images, a “Select all” option is now available
  • When browsing in Windows Explorer, an image (or other file supported by PAX-it) may be right-clicked for a “Send to PAX-it” option.

Measurement Features

Measure in pixelsMeasurements may be taken even without calibrating. Values are reported in “Pixels” if no calibration is present.
 End caps on lines
  • Line measurements can have “End Caps” of different styles
  • End caps may be sized
  • End caps may be saved as part of a stored “Titled Line” to be used singly, or in a stored Line Sequence routine
 Micron Bar Edits
  • The Micron Bar may now be configured without end caps
  • The Micron Bar is now more easily edited for foreground or background color
 Update Measurement Units on Image When changing the units in the Measurement Totals table, users may also change units on already placed tags associated with measurement lines on the image.

PAX-it! v7.6

PAX-it Features

Improvement to Zoom Functions
  • Use your mouse wheel to zoom up or down when in ‘non-edit’ mode.
  • Zoom levels are available via dropdown on menu.
  • Current zoom level displays in the image title and in the status bar.
  • Option is now available to center the image where the zoom tool is clicked.
 Auto-Scroll Function Auto-scroll function will move the image for you when applying annotation near the edge of a zoomed-up image. No need to zoom out an image in order to fill large areas with an overlay.
 Improvement to Search Capabilities
  • Option to “Search All Fields” has been added to the main database search. The item that is searched for will yield a match if it is contained within any of your database fields.
  • An auto wild card function is added to the NavBar Quick Search. If the search term is not a direct match, then similar items will be displayed as potential matches.
  • New “Search by Folder Number” is also available in the NavBar, to quickly jump to a folder by its number.
 Improvement to Right-Click Menus
  • Added “Copy”, “Move” and “Delete” menu items to the right-click menu that is available after selecting an image icon(s) within a folder.
  • Additional context –sensitive (right-click) menu items for images open in the PAX-it workspace.
 Expansion of QuickSave Functions
  • New “Save to Current Folder” function will QuickSave your images to the currently opened folder. Allows an easy workflow for managing quickly-changing projects.
  • New Quicksave setting to “Save by today’s date” will automatically start a new folder for images each day.
  • Database field entries may be overlaid on images as they are QuickSaved. This is an easy way to have changing data, such as Magnification or Sample Name, stamped on images automatically when they are captured.
  • A new option to “Show Notepad on Quicksave” will pop up the PAX-it Notepad for editing whenever a new image is acquired and QuickSaved.
 Improvements to Videotext Editing
  • The mouse pointer defaults to being able to move videotext annotations, without the need to select the “Move Item” toolbar item.
  • Overlays stored as Videotext Templates are now available in a dropdown list next to the ‘Apply Template’ button. No need to browse for the correct template!
  • “Paste Videotext” will now position the pasted item where the mouse was clicked, rather than defaulting to the upper left corner of image.
  • Better handling of coordinates when clicking on videotext ‘handles’ for adjustment.
  • When annotations are placed on images, they will now show on the image thumbnail that displays within the folder.
 Improvements to Outlook Email Link
  • New email setting allows annotations to be burned in on the images that are attached to email.
  • Database field entries may now be used as the filename for images attached to emails. Attach images with a Project # or other database field entry text as the filename, rather than “PAXIT001”.
  • Image files that are received as attachments to email may simply dragged-and-dropped into PAX-it folders, as a timesaver. No need to ‘Save as File’ and then import into PAX-it!
 Titling Cabinet Drawers and Folders  ‘Title Drawer’ and ‘Title Folder’ options are available directly from the drawer/folder pages.
 Improvements to workspace
  • ‘Fit to View’ button will zoom images to their largest size that will fit within the workspace area, up to 1:1.
  • Toggle functions implemented for the toolbar buttons that display the ID tag, Notepad, and Measurement Totals windows. Click once to display the item, click again to turn off the display.
  • A new Preference exists, to skip ‘non-image’ files (reports, documents) when displaying folder items in the workspace.
 Improvements to User Permissions
  • As an option, the last-used “User ID” can be remembered and automatically displayed when re-entering the software.
  • “Select All” option is available when checking the list of permissions to activate for a user.

Measurement Features

Auto-Scroll Functions
  • Auto-scroll function will move the image when the calibration markers near the displayed edge of a zoomed-up image. Allows for more precise placement of the calibration tools.
  • Auto-scroll function will move the image when applying measurement items (lines, arcs, etc.) near the displayed edge of a zoomed-up image. Allows for more precise placement of a measurement starting or ending point.
 Calibration Wizard Improvements
  • Auto-Scroll function in calibration wizard (noted above).
  • If there is an entry in the Magnification database field, the Calibration wizard will now default to it, to minimize mistakes.
  • If there is no entry in the Magnification database field, the Calibration wizard automatically updates the calibrated magnification entry to it, to avoid mistakes.
  • If no entry is present in the calibration database field, the user will be prompted to enter it from their dropdown list of entries, before making a measurement.
 Line Sequence Improvements
  • Stored line names may be used in a line sequence, for more flexibility.
  • Line Sequences are now accessible by a new toolbar button, to segregate them from named lines.
 ‘No Tag’ Option for Line Measurements New option allows a Measurement Line to be displayed without its name or its length tag. This is useful if labels need to be removed for reporting purposes.
 Line Measurement Attributes May Be Stored Measurement Line names may now be stored with other attributes, including the type of display tag, location of tag, colors, fonts, and units. Different types of measurement lines may be designated to display with different colors and/or fonts, for example.
Names for Other Measurements May Be Stored  Names for Angles, Circles, Arcs, and Areas may now be stored in dropdown lists, and recalled with a click. Each named item may have its unique colors stored as well.
 Toolbar for Measurement Totals Window  The menu items available in the Measurement Totals Window have been put onto a toolbar, for easier selection. No more dropping down menus to select the desired function.
 Measurement Display Improvements
  • Select specific data to display for different measurement types. For example, users may now choose to only display the Inside Angle of Angle measurements. Removes excess detail from the Measurement Totals window, for a more focused display.
  • Angle and Segmented Line measurements update live in the Measurement Totals window. You may view the measurements as the items are being drawn.
  • Angle measurements display live on the image, as the Angle is being drawn.

PAX-it! v7.5

PAXcam Features

Camera Only “Touch” Toolbar The PAXcam stand-alone application (without PAX-it software) can now take advantage of the simple PAXcam Touch Toolbar interface, for a more streamlined user experience.

PAX-it Features

NavBar Search in All Fields A new search function for “All Fields” is added to the Navigational Toolbar. It is easy to search for a match in any of your database fields, without a complex search using multiple “<OR>” statements.
 ‘Delete Videotext’ Enhancement A new button to Delete Videotext is available while working with folder icons. This allows multiple icons to be selected as a batch, so that all annotations and measurements can be stripped from the images at once.
 Slide Show Revision  Selecting an icon in the folder designates it as the starting point for the PAX-it slide show.

Measurement Features

Popup Prompt Option for Line Names Line names may be added at the time the measurement is drawn, through a simple ‘pop-up’ box. Saves time when new names need to be added and stored!
Grainsize Wizard New FormatThe Grainsize Wizard has been reformatted to mimic the standard PAX-it analysis wizard, for consistency.
Save and Recall Grainsize The new Grainsize Wizard allows settings for grainsize analysis to be saved. New images may be sent through the entire analysis with the click of a button.
New Grainsize Data CalculationsGrainsizing results will report standard E1382 estimates of Mean Area, Number of Particles per sq mm, and Length.
Batch Processing of Image Analysis RoutinesMultiple icons may be selected in a folder and the images sent through one stored analysis setting, to greatly speed up analyses. Works for Detect Areas, Grainsizing, Layer Thickness, and more!
New Optical Profile Analysis Tool New tool produces peak to peak measurements across a region of interest, for analyzing growth rings, stacks of objects, layers, and more.
New Intensity Data Available for Detected ObjectsThe inverse of raw and average intensity numbers may now be reported, to accommodate analyses with either light or dark backgrounds.
New RGB Data Available for Detected Objects Detect areas can now report the average RGB values for each detected object. Great for those applications where a numeric color value is desired as part of the data collection.

Critical Dimension Module Features

Multiple Objects Within a Single PassDistances between multiple objects may be detected in one pass, using a new peak-to-peak setting.
Reported Graphs Are Dynamic Critical Dimension graphs may be adjusted within the Measurement Totals dialog. Intercepts and Target Line may be adjusted for a new display of data.
Multi-Sampling within a Region of Interest Automatically divide a region of interest into multiple sub-samples in order to acquire more than one measurement in a single pass. Allows a quick method for multiple measurements without the need for setting up multiple passes.

PAX-it! v7.4

PAXcam Features

Capture PAXcam Parameters A Preference may now be set to record the many PAXcam settings that are in place when an image is captured; helpful when comparing images or for troubleshooting.
 Additional 64-bit OS SupportThe install process for PAXcam drivers has been improved to streamline the install process on 64-bit machines.

CONNECT Module Features

“Hide” Option for Controls When using CONNECT high-resolution, real-time video streaming of the PAXcam preview via LAN or the Internet, CONNECT controls on the Sender and on the Player sides are now able to be hidden, freeing up more display space for the live preview or the streamed view.
 Improved Player InterfaceCONNECT Player now has simplified addressing for connecting to the Sender, including the use of computer names instead of IP addresses. Perfect for telepathology or remote consultation applications.
 Saved Settings may be appliedThe limitation for applying stored PAXcam settings has been lifted for CONNECT users. Users may switch among stored preset PAXcam settings for exposure, contrast, and white balance.
CONNECT Streaming for PAX-it Workspace PAXcam CONNECT now includes PAX-it CONNECT, allowing the entire PAX-it workspace to be streamed on a network. An easy way to discuss captured images with remote colleagues!

PAX-it Features

Windows 7 Compatibility  PAX-it version 7.4 enables 64-bit compatibility in Windows 7, including PAXcam drivers. 32-bit compatibility in Windows 7 was introduced in PAX-it version 7.2a.
 Image Adjustment Enhancements  White balance adjustments may be made on captured images, and an Auto Contrast function has been added to quickly enhance images
 Improved ‘Quick Search’ Capabilities  Searching via the NavBar has been extended to include Drawer titles and Folder titles. Multiple matches may be brought up and scrolled through.
 Canon Capture A new capability allows Canon G series point-and-shoot camera users to capture directly into PAX-it QuickSave routines
 Flexible Title Field  Any database field entry may now be assigned as the displayed “title” in the icon page
 Edit Icon Title Within The Folder  While viewing image icons within a folder, the displayed title may be edited without opening the ID tag.
 Mass Print From Icon Page  Users may print images, Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents directly from the icon page, using standard PAX-it Print Layout settings.
 Database Field Reordering  PAX-it database field order can be adjusted by moving fields up or down in the list, allowing insertion of new fields into an existing database layout
 Contrast by Graph  Image contrast may be adjusted via a graphical interface for more flexibility
 Improved Stitching Sequence in Motorized Stage Module  When stitching images from a motorized stage, the stitch or tile may begin from any corner of the image, for more flexibility
 Improved Stitching in Motorized Stage Module Images that have no detail in the overlap regions may now be allowed in a stitch or tile operation
 Improved Blending for Stitched Images Images that have significant lighting gradients are blended more efficiently to yield a more pleasing final image

Measurement Features

Live Measurement Line Titles The size of the line titles on PAXcam live measurements is now adjustable, for more flexibility in displaying the data
 Line Graph With More Flexible Target Values  The target range shown on the line graph may be represented by any values, rather than by a single Plus/Minus value.
 Graphed Values Outside Range Are Bolded When graphed values fall outside the range of target values, the numbers are highlighted with bold text on the graph.
 NEW Critical Dimension Software (CD) Module
 New module available for semiconductor and related markets, where the critical dimension of traces is required. Includes ability to measure critical dimensions of traces based on precise placement of slope intercepts on line profile graphs, and the ability to choose between inner and outer slope profiles.

PAX-it! v7.3

PAXcam Features

“AutoCorrect” Button New button in the PAXcam interface is a “one-click” operation to establish the correct settings for exposure, color, and contrast. Easy!
Improved PAXcam Mini-Toolbar PAXcam mini-toolbar now includes contrast adjustment and ‘auto-correct’ buttons, and has larger buttons for ease-of-use.
 PAXcam “Touch” interfacePAXcam mini-toolbar is designed to work with touch-screens, for mouse-free operation.
 Fast Capture OptionPAXcam can be set to capture in a faster mode. Perfect when video rates are too fast to use as intervals, but standard time lapse rates are too slow.

PAX-it Features

Brightness/Contrast on Entire Image Adjustment of brightness/contrast on images can now be accomplished on the whole image view, with zoom and pan capability.
Improved ‘Quick Search’ Capabilities The PAX-it NavBar feature for Quick Searching has been enhanced:

  1. Any database field may be used for the quick search operation
  2. Wildcard characters (*, ?) may be used in the search
  3. Multiple folders will open if they match the search criteria
Brightness, Contrast, Gamma Adjustments per channel Adjustment of brightness, contrast and gamma can be made on single or multiple color channels, allowing easy viewing of separate color information in the image.
Folder Ownership As A Security Option A Preference allows each user to “own” his or her folders, so that only they are allowed to open the contents. This is a quick and easy method for securing sensitive information, without requiring passwords for entry.
Manual StitchingAs an aid to those images that cannot be stitched automatically, a new manual stitch interface is available for user adjustment. Manual stitching is also an option after an auto-stitch, in case adjustments need to be made.
Send PAX-it Image Directly Into Word Document Or PowerPoint Presentation PAX-it images may be selected and sent directly into an open Word document or PowerPoint presentation. User may send either the original image or an annotated version. Very powerful report/presentation editing tool!
Extend Word Templates’ Numbers Of ImagesWord templates that are designed to import a specific number of images will add pages automatically if that number is exceeded. Allows easier construction of large reports.
Merge Reports TogetherSeparate individual Word documents (reports) may be merged into a new, larger document with this simple PAX-it function.
Merge Report Templates Into “Master Templates”Large, multi-faceted reports may be templated in Word by construction of a “Master Template”, using many PAX-it Word report templates. Allows multiple layouts to be combined into one report. Full flexibility for saving drafts, adjustment of report contents, and editing are all supported.

Measurement Features

New Graphing Interface For Measurement Lines Users may graph out the results of line measurements right within the PAX-it Measurement Totals window. Multiple line names and multiple image summaries are supported.
‘Throat Depth’ Measurement Special “throat depth” measurement item is available for weld analysis, simplifying QC operations.
New Circle Measurement By User-Drawn RadiusNew type of Circle measurement has been implemented to allow a radius drawn from the center point to determine the dimensions of the circle.
Edge Detect Routine For Circles And Rectangles Edge detect routine is implemented for quick detection of individual objects in an image. One click will find the edges of an object, and the data is displayed in the Measurement Totals window. Now includes options for fitting circle or rectangle outlines to the detected objects to find center points, virtual outlines, etc.

PAXcam CONNECT Telemicroscopy Features

Improved CompressionCONNECT users may choose from two powerful compression algorithms to optimize their streaming capability while minimizing lag
 Improved Connection ProcessWhen streaming PAXcam’s preview to a previous client over the LAN or Internet, the Player remembers whether the prior connection was made via LAN or TCP settings, to streamline the connection process.
 Annotation Settings RememberedWhen restarting the Player, the user is presented with the annotation settings which were in place when the last session ended.
 One-Click ROIUsers may click once in the Player interface to outline an object with a preset region of interest (ROI). Click and drag adjustment of ROI size is also supported.
 Simplified User InterfaceThe CONNECT interface has been streamlined, to simplify the choices to be made by the Sender.

PAX-it! v7.2

PAXcam Features

 PAXcam Video Recorder Record AVI video clips directly from the PAXcam interface, bypassing the Windows Movie Maker adjustments. Clips may be recorded at high speed for short bursts, or indefinitely at less intense speeds, and at higher resolution than previously available.
Grid Overlays Grid overlays in the live PAXcam preview may now be captured to the image in an editable videotext format.Requires Live Measurement module.

PAX-it Features

Windows 7 Compatibility PAX-it version 7.2a enables 32-bit compatibility in Windows 7, including the PAXcam drivers. 64-bit compatibility begins in PAX-it version 7.4.
Large Image DisplayLarge image display is improved, with larger pan window for easier navigation. Annotation and measurement functions are supported.
Back To Last Image A new button on the main toolbar returns user to the last opened image. A shortcut that eliminates browsing if an image needs to be reopened, even after PAX-it is restarted.
Buttons To Tile Image Views On the PAX-it main menu, new buttons allow images in the PAX-it workspace to be tiled vertically or horizontally with a click of a button.
Fit To Image Button A new button expands the currently opened images to the largest size supported by the available workspace. This is a great tool for readjusting views after images or windows have been closed.
Copy Database FunctionAllows an entire PAX-it collection to be copied and restored to another drive. Perfect for a upgrading a new computer, or to use as a backup function.
PAX-it AVI Player PAX-it displays your AVI video clips in a new interface. Multiple playback speeds are supported. The interface also includes the ability to extract still bitmap images from the AVI stream, singly or all at once

Measurement Features

New Graphing Interface Detect Areas totals window shows users graphs of area, perimeter, roundness and other data distributions. Users may select the binning for best graphical display. Multiple passes per image are supported, and multiple image data may be displayed in the Graph interface as well. Graphs may be embedded in Excel spreadsheets through the PAX-it Quick Reports link. Requires Image Analysis module.
Duplicate Measurements Duplicate a line and Duplicate a Circle functions allows a measurement to be reproduced at a user-defined distance from the original position.
Extend A Circle Extend a circle function allows users to create a new circle on their image, using the same center point but at a different diameter from the original.
Edge Detect Routine New edge detect routine is implemented for quick detection of individual objects in an image. One click will find the edges of an object, and the data is displayed in the Measurement Totals window. Routines using specific filters may be saved and reapplied to speed the process even further.
Measurement Grid Overlay Improvements Measurement grid overlay is now a standard videotext object that is saved and recalled with the image. It may be edited for color and grid specifications, and may be used as a template, exported on the image, printed in reports, or displayed in presentations.
Filter Detected Objects By FocusAllows objects that are not in focus to be filtered from the counts. Users may set the level of sharpness required to meet the ‘in focus’ condition. Requires Image Analysis module.
3-Point Circle Tool New option allows the regression of circles to be accomplished with a minimum of 3 clicks along the perimeter. The 6-click minimum is maintained as an option.

PAX-it! v7.1

PAXcam Features

New PAXcam CONNECT Live Streaming Module The new PAXcam CONNECT, a multicast streaming module (one server / multiple clients model), is here! This module allows the live preview from the PAXcam to be streamed to another client or multiple clients on the network (LAN or internet) so that live consultations may be given in real time through the microscope. This important technology is a must for clean rooms, telepathology, remote quality control work, and many other applications where others need to see your views remotely. PAXcam CONNECT can be retrofitted to any existing PAXcam USB2 camera system or new purchase.
PAXcam Mini-Interface Toolbar All PAXcam USB2 cameras have an optional floating toolbar available that simplifies the interface to include only the most basic daily functions, while hiding the more extensive interface panel. Using a PAXcam has never been easier!
Continuous WB and “Set” exposure are rememberedThe PAXcam now remembers two important auto-adjustment routines when the camera is closed: Continual White Balance, and ‘Set’ exposure. If the camera is closed with these functions operating, they will still be set when the camera is reopened. In addition, they may be used as standard “Stored Settings” in the PAXcam interface, so that an ‘Auto’ mode may be stored and selected at any time for exposure, white balance, or both.
 New PAXcam ARC+ High Resolution CameraThe newest model of PAXcam is here! The ARC+ uses the same high-quality CCD sensor as the 2+ model, but incorporates pixel-shifting technology to yield adjustable resolutions up to 32 megapixels, for stunning detail.
 Email & Print Added to PAXcam ‘Capture’ Options The PAXcam “Capture” routine may now be set to capture directly to your printer, or to an outgoing Outlook email. The expansive list of ‘Capture’ options is a one-click solution for databasing, emailing, capturing to an FTP site, printing, and more—directly from the camera!
 High Dynamic Range Image Processing FunctionA new “High Dynamic Range” (HDR) routine is available in the PAXcam interface (and also for previously captured images). A single click will capture a series of images at varying exposures (images not saved to hard drive), blend them together, and produce one final HDR image with expanded detail in light and dark areas. Amazing feature for samples with reflective surfaces or other applications that require a wide range of exposures.

PAX-it Features

Chat Window for Tech Support PAX-it and PAXcam customers may now interface with Tech Support via online Live Chat sessions through our websites ( and This convenient method for support is preferred by many to minimize phone time and allow for multi-tasking.
High Dynamic Range Image Processing FunctionA new “High Dynamic Range” (HDR) image-processing routine is available for previously captured images. Images that are taken at varying exposures are blended so that a final HDR image is produced with expanded detail in light and dark areas.
Specific Field Data Overlayed on ImageNavigation to recently visited folders is made easier by accessing this dropdown list.
‘Blend Images’ Function has Expanded Features The PAX-it ‘blend images’ function now allows one image to be moved on top of the other. The expanded user interface also allows adjustment of transparency on the second image, by a number of methods.
Search Results has Extended Functionality The new Search Results window has been expanded in functionality to allow folder-level functions. Use the new Search Results toolbar to Copy, Create Reports, Email images and much more—without the need to visit the image folders.
Search Results Can Be Culled Search Results may be marked for hiding, and then hidden with a click on the toolbar. Allows general search results to be culled to yield the specific items of interest.
Auto-Backups Provided for Users PAX-it will automatically back up important configuration files on a daily basis, as a service to help restore data in case of an event which causes data corruption.
Reminder to Upgrade, and New Auto-updatePAX-it now automatically checks the installed version number against the current PAX-it release version and reminds users that an upgrade is available, allowing in-warranty users to remain current more easily. Auto updates are only available if the workstation is connected to the Internet.
Database Backup for Copy/Move to Another DriveA routine is implemented to backup an entire PAX-it collection to another location. This function copies all images, annotations, notes, db information, measurements—in short, the entire collection—to another location for backup.
64-bit Windows Platforms Supported PAX-it and all PAXcam models may be installed and run on 64-bit Windows platforms.

Measurement Features

“Add to” Excel Report, for Appending New DataNew Excel reporting feature allows for templates to receive PAX-it data, and then be used again for additional data. An ongoing project may append new data to an existing report over long periods of time. Useful for trend analysis and other applications.

PAX-it! v7.0

PAX-it Features

New docking page of icons for viewing folder contents Icons are viewable in a dockable window that can be resized to show the entire folder contents in one view.
Multiple folders may be opened at one timeMore than one folder may now be opened at one time, even from different collections.
Multiple folders may be tabbed in one window, or viewed in separate windowsWhen more than one folder is opened, the views of folder contents may be side by side, or may be tabbed in one window for a more compact view.
Drag and drop of icons is supported Drag and drop operations are supported for icons, to open them into the workspace, to move them into other folders, or to rearrange them within a folder.
Enhanced icon selection with shift-clickStandard Windows ‘shift-click’ functionality may be used in folders to select multiple icons.
Icons may be viewed with data When a folder is opened, the values in database fields may be viewed along with the icons in a table.
Icons may be resized within the data view Simply adjust the cell width and height to make image icons small (to see more data), or large (to see more of the icon detail).
Icons may be sorted by any data fieldThe tabular display of the icons allows the results to be sorted by any columns values. For example, sort alphabetically by Image Title, or by Project Number.
Folder view may be pinned to give more workspace‘Pinning’ function removes the icon view from the workspace, yet keeps it easily accessible as a named tab.
‘Back to last folder’ dropdown list Navigation to recently visited folders is made easier by accessing this dropdown list.
Search results include icons in tableThe tabular view of the database Search Results now includes resizable icons in each row, so that the image may be used as an aid in sorting through the results.
Search results may be sorted by any columnThe tabular display of the Search Results allows the results to be sorted on any columns values. For example, sort alphabetically by Image Title, or by Case Number.
Search results may be given 3 tags for selection Icons may be tagged with 3 criteria (for example ‘Yes’, ‘No’, and ‘Maybe’) as an aid in sorting Search Results.
Dropdown selections for special functions on the page of icons toolbarSettings are changeable from within the page of icons without closing the window, for more convenient workflow.
Icons may be sorted by any data fieldThe tabular display of the icons allows the results to be sorted by any columns values. For example, sort alphabetically by Image Title, or by Project Number.
Quick-click toolbar functions now remember last settings.For example, “Process Images” button will initiate the last used process with one click, using the stored settings from the last session.
Automatic backup of PAX-it database file As an aid to users who may not be rigorous about backing up essential files, the PAX-it db file is backed up automatically. This can help rescue users if they inadvertently corrupt their database.
TWAIN capture has new optionsTWAIN acquisition now allows options for immediate placement into the PAX-it database, and closing of the image without preview

Measurement & Analysis Features

Customize script bar with bitmaps for buttonsButtons may be designed by the user to initiate user-defined scripts for PAX-it and PAXcam functions.
Calibration now at >1:1 zoom Calibration is not restricted to 1:1 viewing. Images may be zoomed up and panned during calibration, for most accurate placement of calibration markers.

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